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A novel tool for predicting extracapsular extension during graded partial nerve sparing in radical prostatectomy

By 27 Marzo 2018Febbraio 3rd, 2022No Comments

Vipul R Patel, Marco Sandri, Angelica A C Grasso, Elisa De Lorenzis, Franco Palmisano, Giancarlo Albo, Rafael F Coelho, Alexander Mottrie, Tadzia Harvey, Darian Kameh, Hariharan Palayapalayam, Peter Wiklund, Silvano Bosari, Stefano Puliatti, Paola Zuccolotto, Giampaolo Bianchi, Bernardo Rocco


Objectives: To create a statistical tool for the estimation of extracapsular extension (ECE) level of prostate cancer and determine the nerve-sparing (NS) approach that can be safely performed during radical prostatectomy (RP).

Patients and methods: A total of 11 794 lobes, from 6 360 patients who underwent robot-assisted RP between 2008 and 2016 were evaluated. Clinicopathological features were included in a statistical algorithm for the prediction of the maximum ECE width. Five multivariable logistic models were estimated for: presence of ECE and ECE width of >1, >2, >3, and >4 mm. A five-zone decision rule based on a lower and upper threshold is proposed. Using a graphical interface, surgeons can view patient’s pre-treatment characteristics and a curve showing the estimated probabilities for ECE amount together with the areas identified by the decision rule.

Results: Of the 6 360 patients, 1 803 (28.4%) were affected by non-organ-confined disease. ECE was present in 1 351 lobes (11.4%) and extended beyond the capsule for >1, >2, >3, and >4 mm in 498 (4.2%), 261 (2.2%), 148 (1.3%), 99 (0.8%) cases, respectively. ECE width was up to 15 mm (interquartile range 1.00-2.00). The five logistic models showed good predictive performance, the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was: 0.81 for ECE, and 0.84, 0.85, 0.88, and 0.90 for ECE width of >1, >2, >3, and >4 mm, respectively.

Conclusion: This novel tool predicts with good accuracy the presence and amount of ECE. Furthermore, the graphical interface available at can support surgeons in patient counselling and preoperative planning.

Keywords: extracapsular extension; nomogram; prostate; prostate cancer; robotic prostatectomy; staging.

© 2017 The Authors BJU International © 2017 BJU International Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Stefano Puliatti

Stefano Puliatti

Il Dr. Puliatti si è laureato in Medicina e chirurgia nel 2012 presso l’Università degli Studi di Modena ed ha poi conseguito il titolo di specialista in Urologia con il massimo dei voti presso lo stesso Ateneo. Da Luglio 2019 ricopre il ruolo di Assistant Professor in Urologia presso l'Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia. Da Luglio 2019 ricopre anche il ruolo di Deputy Medical Director of ORSI Academy, Melle, Belgio e svolge attività clinica e chirurgica presso OLV (Onze Lieve Vrouwziekenhuis) Hospital in Aalst, Belgio (direttore: Prof. Alex Mottrie). La sua formazione si è incentrata in particolare sulla Chirurgia robotica e oncologica delle vie urinarie, avendo come principali campi di applicazione anche tumori e malattie della prostata, tumori del rene e delle alte vie urinarie, disturbi minzionali, calcolosi delle vie urinarie. È inoltre autore e coautore di articoli scientifici e capitoli di libro in ambito urologico. Attualmente svolge attività in libera professione presso diverse strutture situate a Modena e Provincia.